Thursday, 5 December 2013

HOT NEWS AND INFORMATION!! Ariana Grande & Mariah Carey Light Up The NYC Christmas Tree Lighting(Ariana Grande dan Mariah Carey menyalakan pohon natal di New York City)

  • Ariana Grande seems to have taken the constant comparisons in stride. From "the new Mariah" to post-millennial Mariah Carey, the cherub-cheeked 20-year-old has been giving fans M.C. flashbacks since she dropped her breakthrough "The Way." But on Wednesday (December 4), viewers got to see the diva and her heir apparent share a stage as they gave back-to-back performances during NBC's tree-lighting special.
    With an introduction from "Today" show hosts Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker and Natalie Morales, "Christmas in Rockefeller Center" kicked off live from the New York City landmark with a performance by Carey, whose "All I Want For Christmas" is now a holiday classic on par with "White Christmas."
  • (Ariana Grande tampaknya telah mengambil perbandingan konstan dengan tenang. Dari "baru Mariah" pasca-milenium Mariah Carey, kerub berpipi 20 tahun telah memberikan penggemar MC kilas balik sejak dia menjatuhkan terobosan "The Way." Tetapi pada hari Rabu (4 Desember), pemirsa harus melihat diva dan dia pewaris saham jelas panggung karena mereka memberi back-to-back pertunjukan selama NBC pohon-pencahayaan khusus.
    Dengan pengantar dari "Hari ini" menunjukkan host Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker dan Natalie Morales, "Natal di Rockefeller Center" menggebrak langsung dari landmark New York City dengan penampilan Carey, yang "All I Want For Christmas" sekarang klasik liburan setara dengan "White Christmas.")

    Ariana Grande Performs 'Love Is Everything' At The NYC Christmas Tree Lighting On December 4, 2013
    Draped in a sequined white gown and matching opera gloves, Carey launched into a gospel-infused "Joy to the World," even hitting her signature whistle tone in a soaring crescendo. She was flanked by a dancing tween chorus in red-and-white robes, and the set was decorated with frosty white Christmas trees accented by the NYC landmark's famous gold Prometheus sculpture.
    For her second turn, Carey upped the glam, donning black leather opera gloves, a slinky red gown and a white fur stole. And she delivered what fans braving the December chill and viewers at home wanted to hear: an upbeat performance of her seasonal staple "All I Want for Christmas."
    But the massive crowd lining the plaza from 47th to 50th streets was clearly impressed with Grande too. Though she can't yet lay claim to a "new classic," the Nickelodeon star-turned-singer has been vying for a permanent spot on your December playlist with a string of releases that will eventually comprise her four-track EP, Christmas Kisses, due December 10.
    "She's 'the voice.' When you think of a singer, you think of Mariah Carey. ... And I've been compared to her my whole life," Grande has said, adding that she considers any comparisons to the pop superstar to be a major compliment.
    Her rendition of "Love Is Everything" on Wednesday only confirmed the similarities. Rocking her signature half-ponytail, white gloves and a cape, Grande glided easily and impressively between her vocal registers, but eschewed the gymnastics that marked Mariah's performance. A group of bomber-jacket clad teens joined her on the chorus of the track, which celebrates love as the best gift you can't wrap.
    In the lead-up to the annual Christmas tree lighting, Kelly Clarkson, Mary J. Blige, Leona Lewis, and Toni Braxton and Babyface filled out a robust lineup of powerhouse vocalists during the one-hour special. All of the artists have holiday albums on the way. The Rockettes, Jewel the Goo-Goo Dolls were also among the show's highlights.
  • (Terbungkus gaun putih berpayet dan pencocokan sarung tangan opera , Carey meluncurkan ke dalam Injil  " Joy to the World , " bahkan memukul nada peluit tanda tangan di sebuah crescendo melonjak . Dia diapit oleh paduan suara menari tween dalam jubah merah -putih , dan set dihiasi dengan dingin pohon Natal putih beraksen oleh NYC tengara itu emas terkenal Prometheus patung .
    Giliran kedua , Carey menaikkan glam itu , mengenakan sarung tangan hitam opera kulit , gaun merah Slinky dan bulu putih mencuri perhatian . Dan dia menyampaikan apa yang fans menantang dinginnya Desember dan pemirsa di rumah ingin mendengar : " . All I Want for Christmas " kinerja optimis pokok musiman nya
    Tapi kerumunan besar yang melapisi plaza dari 47 ke 50 jalan-jalan jelas terkesan dengan Grande juga. Meskipun dia belum bisa mengklaim "klasik baru , " Nickelodeon bintang - berpaling - penyanyi telah berlomba-lomba untuk tempat permanen di playlist Desember dengan serangkaian rilis yang pada akhirnya akan terdiri nya empat track EP , Natal Kisses , karena 10 Desember.
    " Dia ' suara '. Ketika Anda memikirkan seorang penyanyi , Anda memikirkan Mariah Carey .... Dan aku sudah dibandingkan dengan dirinya seumur hidupku , " Grande mengatakan , menambahkan bahwa ia menganggap setiap perbandingan dengan superstar pop menjadi pujian besar .
    Rendition nya " Love Is Everything " pada hari Rabu hanya menegaskan kesamaan . Rocking tanda tangannya setengah ekor kuda , sarung tangan putih dan jubah , Grande meluncur dengan mudah dan mengesankan antara register vokalnya , tetapi dihindari senam yang menandai kinerja Mariah . Sekelompok bomber - jaket remaja berpakaian bergabung dengannya pada chorus dari lagu , yang merayakan cinta sebagai hadiah terbaik Anda tidak bisa membungkus .
    Menjelang sampai pohon Natal pencahayaan tahunan , Kelly Clarkson , Mary J. Blige , Leona Lewis , dan Toni Braxton dan Babyface mengisi lineup yang kuat dari vokalis pembangkit tenaga listrik selama satu jam khusus. Semua seniman memiliki album liburan di jalan . Rockettes , Jewel Goo - Goo Dolls juga di antara highlights acara .)

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